Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PDA (Public Display of Affection)

As you can probably tell I'm ok with certain forms of PDA depending on the location and in some cases the time and what you are doing. In school I disagree strongly with students making out or kissing in the halls, etc. School is not the place to be doing such things since your main reason for being in school is to learn. In work places if you're caught kissing or even showing any forms of PDA you can get fired. Although I am gay, and I am slightly less bothered by a gay couple making out in school, I don't feel that two guys making out in public is nice or cute, I think it's inappropriate as is a straight couple making out. Love is love however no matter if you're gay, straight, bisexual, or pansexual there is a time and place to show that love and affection.

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