Sunday, June 26, 2011

Matthew Shepard

There has been a song about the Matthew Shepard murder and it's called "Scarecrow" by Melissa Etheridge, check it out it's a very good song and very moving.

knowing what happened to Matthew Shepard makes me so angry and when ever I read about his murder or talk about it I get goose bumps, as a matter of fact I have goose bumps right now.

This is a story that every LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Questioning) person should know and it should never be forgotten or silenced in my opinion.

The events leading up to Matthew Shepard's tragic murder begin the night he was assaulted on October 6 of the year 1998. Matthew Shepard had met two men at the Fireside Bar in Laramie, Wyoming. The two men were Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson. They both convinced Matthew that they were both gay and later that evening they convinced Matthew to let them give him a lift. They drove him to a remote area near Sherman Hills subdivision. As soon as they stopped the car McKinney told Matthew, "we're not gay, and you just got jacked," and the struck him in the head with a pistol. They then dragged Matthew out of the vehicle and tied him to a split rail fence and tortured him. As they pistol-whipped him he begged for his life. After they beat Matthew unconscious they left him there tied to the fence. The next day a biker found Matthew and recalls finding him cover in blood, apart from two trails running down his face where his tears had washed the blood away. Apparently a doe was laying by Matthew when the biker had stopped, however the doe got up and ran of as soon as the biker walked up to Matthew. Matthew was admitted to the Hospital and put on life support. He never gain consciousness and after five days was taken off life support and died.

There has been a video recreating the assault on Matthew Shepard and the after math of his death. I have searched the web for the clip and can not find it but the name of the movie the clip is in is "The Matthew Shepard Story" and if you decide to get the video or something like that be warned that the assault scene is quite bloody and horrifying. If you can't handle bloody videos or videos of the sort then don't watch it.


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