Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Cat Spunky

When we had found Spunky he was just a tiny kitten. We had found him when we were searching for our dog Molly, who had ran away from home (we found her). He was in some tall grass over by a tree and his arm was caught between a stiff forked plant, we think though that he had been injured even before that. We had taken him out of the grass but we left him next to the tree (due to my mom saying he wouldn't end up mking it), until the next day when we had found that he was still alive. My mom was very surprised and ended up taking him into the house and cleaned him up. We called the vet and when we spoke to the vet we found out that his arm would need to be amputated because it was pretty much dead. He underwent surgery without amnesia and the vet said he had a 50% chance of surviving the surgery, Well apparently he survived :]] and is getting around perfectly. He's very attacted to my mom.

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